Adam Greenfader, Managing partner of AG&T (7 minute video) speaks on new opportunities in Puerto Rico. Learning this video about the the island’s history and how you can learn from the past to generate real value and long term economic growth. The video includes new information about tax incentives, the tourism tax incentive, Act 20/22, and other tax credits for real estate development. Contact us for more information and to learn about Why Puerto Rico Now
70 years ago, when the Puerto Rico Builders Association was formed, the United States was on the brink of entering the World War II. December 7, 1941, would be considered a day that would “live in infamy”. Thousands of Puerto Ricans as American citizens fought in the War and would return home as victors to an island on the precipice of great economic growth. Thanks in large part to Operation Bootstrap, o “Manos a La Obra”, the Puerto Rico Builder’s Association has played a vital role in shaping the island’s long term economic development. The Puerto Rico Builders Association (formerly known as the Homebuilders Association) was formed in a critical period of time when the island was undergoing a massive transformation from an agricultural society into a leading manufacturing hub.
Puerto Rico would see historic growth for more than three decades and the Puerto Rico Builders Association would play a leading role in shaping the island’s zoning regulations, environmental protections, financing, and building codes (often referred to as a Miami’s building code on steroids). Puerto Rico benefited greatly from these concerted efforts by the Puerto Rico Builder Association with one of the highest homeownership rates in the Western world at 68%. Puerto Rico is also the second largest public housing jurisdiction in the United States second only to New York City.
In 2015, The Puerto Rico Builders Association, under the leadership of then PR Builders president, Ricardo Alvarez Diaz Villalon joined forces with the Urban Land Institute Southeast Florida/Caribbean District Council. ULI founded around the same time as the PR Builders Association, is one of the oldest and largest networks of real estate and land use experts in the world. ULI’s mission is to shape the future of the building industry and create thriving and sustainable communities around the globe. Shortly thereafter, Puerto Rico was devastated with two back-to-back category five hurricanes.
Hurricanes Irma and Maria destroyed most of the island’s electrical infrastructure and informal housing stock at a cost estimated over 100 billion dollars. ULI together with the Puerto Rico Builders Association created a task force to study the effects of the storms and how to build back better. Under then ULI president Greg West, the Puerto Rico Builders Association and ULI convened national panel of experts and created a specific action plan for the municipality of Toa Baja.
The Puerto Rico Builders Association and ULI have since held multiple meetings and conference throughout the years in both Puerto Rico and Miami to explore new areas of synergy and improvements to the island’s build environment. ULI’s current president, Scott McLaren was recently quoted, “we strongly value our long standing partnership with your organization and admire the leaders who go above and beyond, especially when faced with such tremendous obstacles.”
Puerto Rico takes centerstage at the Caribbean Hospitality Investment Summit (CHRIS) held this week at the Hardrock Hotel in Miami.
The Puerto Rico Builders Association, one of the sponsors of the CHRIS event, was honored to congratulate Hugh Andrews, CEO, IHE as he received the Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was presented by Vanessa Ledesma Acting CEO and Director at Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association. Vanessa, herself a great friend and native of Puerto Rico, discussed with Hugh Andrews his vast accomplishments that include the development of such Icon hotel properties as the Conquistador Hotel, El Convento, Las Casitas, and Vanderbilt Hotel.
STR in its annual report, listed Puerto Rico’s year over year recovery from 2019 as one of the Caribbean’s top destinations. This includes maintaining strong airlift throughout the pandemic, maintaining high ADRs, and an impressive 82% Occupancy rate. The recently delivered Aloft San Juan hotel was named as top CHRIS hospitality development of 2021. Adam Greenfader, Managing partner of AG&T and Florida Liaison Chair of the Puerto Rican Builders Association, spoke on the success of the P3 program in Puerto Rico. He mentioned in the Public-Private Collaboration panel that the island will be soliciting a P3 bid for the management of the 9 remaining local and national airports.
Kenny Blatt, Principal/Managing Partner of CPG Real Estate, spoke extensively on Puerto Rico’s hospitality industry. He discussed the island’s capacity to greatly expand its hospitality and tourism sectors. Blatt’s was enthusiastic about the transformation at Dorado Beach, A Ritz-Carlton Reserve and its evolution since 1958. His key takeaways on Dorado Beach’s success include working with local partners as a critical best practice. Blatt praised the Stubbe family and PRISA group repeatedly as “ the greatest developers any resort can ever have.”
The Puerto Rico Builders Association will be celebrating its 70 year anniversary at its upcoming conference on October 27-28, 2021. For more information visit
It had been almost 12 months since my last visit to Puerto Rico. Thanks to the COVID lockdown expectations were low. The last time I visited, more than 2 years after hurricanes Irma and Maria, the devastation was still overwhelming. Streets were lined with garbage, electrical lines in disrepair, and thousands of homes had roofs covered in blue tarps. This combined with more than ten years of economic recession made has made Puerto Rico extremely pessimistic. As I landed in Luis Munoz Marin Airport, I was thinking, “Would the ensuing earthquakes and COVID pandemic ravage the economy even more…”
I travelled the entire island from coast to coast – 100 x 35 miles, in a two week period. I drove from San Juan to Aguadilla, Mayaguez, Ponce, Humacao, Fajardo, and Ocean Park. The roads were in good condition, the street lights working, and many buildings newly painted. Notwithstanding the COVID crisis, the economy was bustling. Most palpable was the positive attitude and feeling of the people. I spoke with many colleagues and friends and was told that much of the hurricane insurance had circulated through the economy. The 8-12 billion in Federal relief from CDBG-DR is expected by early 2021. Homemade signs seeking construction workers can be seen throughout the island that read, “Se Solicita Carpinteros y Albanilles”.
While the tourists were clearly absent ‘en mass’, a handful of new boutique hotels, especially in San Juan, have been recently delivered between 2019-2020. Much of this new hotel activity is due in part to the Tourism Tax Incentive. The tax incentive provides up to 40% of the total project’s cost back to sponsors…incredibly, some of it can be used for funding as part of the initial capital stack. While this is not common anywhere in the world, Puerto Rico’s is not a typical Caribbean destination. The total economic activity (GDP) in Puerto Rico is less than 7% for all tourism related activities. This includes, hotels, trades, conventions, excursions, etc.. This is an astonishing low number for an island that is surrounded by warm water, beautiful beaches, and lush landscapes. Read more about why Puerto Rico is like this at:
These tax incentives combined with a team of dedicated individuals in the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) – Discover Puerto Rico and other Public Private Partnerships (Invest Puerto Rico) is helping to make Puerto Rico a thriving tourism destination. The island currently boats some of the top hotels in the Caribbean with ADR’s over $1,500 per night. Much of this demand is generated by the Act 20/22 (now Act 60). For the last five years, hundreds of high net worth US individuals have moved to Puerto Rico to take advantage of zero Federal capital gains. Act 60 has resulted in over 500 families and hundreds of new business moving to Puerto Rico. There seems to be no end in sight for these new Americans living in Puerto Rico.
Dorado Beach
This week Puerto Rico also inaugurated for the first time in over 20 years, the same political party. The PNP or US Statehood party won the election with a mandate for political stability, reduced corruption, and closer ties with the United States. While the island’s economic crisis is far from over, the COVID pandemic has put Puerto Rico back in the spotlight for its manufacturing proficiency. The island of Puerto Rico is one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical destinations – producing more than the top 5 US States combined. As thousands of jobs come back to the USA-Puerto Rico, invariably many will end up where the cost of labor is 15% less expensive, and there is a 60 year culture of robust manufacturing.
So is this the year for Puerto Rico? Strong yes if you are involved with affordable housing, luxury resorts, alternative energy and critical manufacturing.
While we at AG&T do not have the proverbial ‘crystal ball’ on the island’s long term economic growth, things feel like they are on the right track and we will have more clarity with the resolution to the island’s bond crisis, the electrical authority privatization (AEE), and the completion of the responsibilities of The Fiscal Oversight and Managemnt Board for Puerto Rico.
The ULI Webinar has an incredible array of information crammed into 90 minutes and it gives a great snapshot for the many initiatives being introduced and planned to help the Puerto Rican economy and create more quality jobs. If I had to some it up in three words, Mo is back. Mo of course being momentum.
Each of the speakers brought a different perspective. Congresswoman Gonzalez Colon noted her primary mission is the reconstruction of the Island and to shephard the many supporting bills recently introduced in the US Congress. Former Governor Luis Fortuno brought an informed Wash DC think tank perspective, Adam Greenfader is one of Puerto Rico´s most passionate advocates, Andy Carlson of JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle) brings experienced commercial insights from the world´s second largest public brokerage firm, Dr Deusch stated his case for the reasons he brought his Swiss/German manufacturing business to Puerto Rico because of a need for precision and reliability, while Noel Zamot has a finger on the ethical pulse of developing new business in Puerto Rico.
The conversations were upbeat and positive. For instance, Congresswoman Colon made a presentation on MMEDS which was introduced last month to Congress under the bill H.R. 7527. This bill provides tax incentives and tax credits for companies creating manufacturing plants and jobs in economically distressed areas in the US and its territories. The criteria for distressed is even stricter than the recent Opportunity Zone legislation passed in late 2017. When the Congresswoman showed the MMEDS qualifying maps there were smaller areas in very non desirable locations in the US whereas Puerto Rico literally had a much larger proportional area in some desirable locations. And she stated very clearly that MMEDS is one of the very few legislative items that is drawing bi-partisan support from both sides of the aisle.
The entire panel then weighed in on the competitive advantages that Puerto Rico has when competing with the mainland U.S. including much lower labor costs by as much as 60% lower in some cases, an experienced manufacturing labor force going back 100 years, the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez which is a top 10% engineering school for the entire U.S. and which is very much geared to provide the engineering and chemistry talent to support Puerto Rico´s manufacturing base. That even today five of the top ten selling drugs internationally are produced in Puerto Rico and 12 of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies have plants in Puerto Rico. Luis Fortuno noted that Puerto Rico had more than $40 billion USD in pharmaceutical exports in 2019 but has the capacity to increase this substantially. The panel noted that some closed down plants are almost in turnkey conditions should manufacturers wish to return or expand capacity. It would not take much. Maybe a recession of the Jones Act, or at least an exemption for an extended period of time, might be the necessary catalyst. There are some interesting new developments on this front as was evidenced last week by Hawaii noting that 85% of their informed populace is all for rescinding the Jones Act as it costs that Island 1.2 billion USD in additional transportation and cost of goods fees.
Progress is being made on seeking some type of exemption under the taxing provisions of GILTI as it adds a 10%+ tax on profits for CFCs (controlled foreign corporations) which unfortunately applies to the US territories since the do not fall under the IRC (Internal Revenue Code). On May 1, 2020, Congresswoman Stacey E. Plasket, representing the US Virgin Islands, filed Bill HR 6648 – the Territorial Economic Recovery Act, that if becomes law, it will exclude our territories from much or all of the GILTI taxation, under certain provisions.
On April 3, 2020, Congresswoman Jennifer González, resident Commissioner for Puerto Rico, introduced Bill HR 6643, the Securing National Supply Chain Act of 2020, to provide various tax credits to Economically Distressed Zones, including a tax credit on the amount of wages paid by an employer to employees in such a zone. The proposal has some overlap with HR 7527 noted above.
The Covid 19 pandemic has brought worldwide tourism to a standstill. In this ULI Caribbean Conversation, we speak with Brad Dean, CEO of Puerto Rico’s Destination Marketing Organization (DMO). Brad shares some insights about what some of the top private and public minds in the industry are thinking, planning, and prepping for travel 2.0.
” I think this down time gives the travel and tourism industry our George Bailey moment. “We have all seen that without travel it’s pretty ugly….there is a lot greater value to travel than most of us ever lifts spirits, it connects people, it leads to progress, exclaimed Brad Dean.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
In this insightful conversation during the COVID19 pandemic, Adam Greenfader and Rich Holman, Chairman of Lifeafar, explore USA longstanding relationship with Puerto Rico manufacturing, the consequences of the elimination of Section 936, and how 1.2 million Puerto Ricans living in Florida may decide the the 2020 US Presidential election.
Other topics discussed:
Act 20/20 Tax Incentives
Puerto Rico Opportunity Zones (98% of the island)
The positive consequences of Hurricanes Irma and Maria
The repeal of Section 936 resulted in lost manufacturing jobs for the USA and a 15 year economic crisis for Puerto Rico.
As we sit today in the middle of a world pandemic, a few things seem certain. COVID 19 is a health crisis that has forever changed our relationship with globalism. It is time for a new understanding of how manufacturing keeps us all safe. This is especially true of the pharmaceutical industry. With shortages of basic supplies, medicines and protective gear, is it time to bring critical manufacturing back to the United States?
In this AG&T Thought Leadership conversation, we speak with economics professor Zadia Feliciano (see bio)of Queens College and explore the consequences for the USA and Puerto Rico of eliminating the manufacturing tax incentives – Section 936.
Unfortunately, the elimination of Section 936 helped push critical manufacturing AWAY from the USA. Critical manufacturing left Puerto Rico (USA) and sought cheaper markets in Mexico, Ireland, Latin America and China.
Moving Forward.
The Food and Drug Administration has for some time been expressing concern that the United States is too dependent on China within the medical supply chain. Puerto Rico has 49 FDA-approved pharmaceutical plants in place, and produces not just one quarter of all U.S. pharmaceutical exports, but also significant amount of medical devices.
Puerto Rico’s manufacturing industry is in need of support, but is also in a position to blossom, similar to other areas of the country that used to have a strong manufacturing base. In the area of pharmaceuticals, Puerto Rico has the advantage of an educated workforce and many people experienced in the industry. Puerto Rico produces 25% of the pharmaceuticals exported by the United States. This is more than any State. The Island has the cold chain logistics for pharmaceuticals in place. The learning curve would be lower for Puerto Rico than for many other U.S. regions. The time to act is now.
PONCE, PUERTO RICO—Ponce Paradise—a 900-acre resort, healthcare village and marina located here—is giving guests all the conveniences and amenities of mixed-use, but with a twist.
Adam Greenfader, managing partner, AG&T, the development firm behind Ponce Paradise, said, “There is a trend in hospitality development for travelers searching for a destination that offers a wellness package or amenities.”
Conceptualized by LandDesign and Winstanley Architects & Planners along with AG&T, the teams consulted engineering and aquatic architecture professionals to make the vision a reality, bringing together a mixed-use development and a wellness destination.
“Economies of scale seem to indicate mixed-use projects will be getting larger. The live-work-play concept is really taking hold as more people want to be in the center of it all,” Greenfader said.
Ponce Hospital and Wellness City
Still in its early design and community involvement phase, Ponce Paradise will comprise a hotel and spa, wellness community, farm-to-table agricultural setup, a micro-grid, residential neighborhoods, a town square and a university medical center, with a total investment of approximately $1 billion.
Specifically, the 166-acre Wellness City will have research, university and care facilities, which will include a branded hospital, rehabilitation centers, outpatient, recovery rooms, assisted living facilities, nursing home, short-term residential units and condominiums. The wellness lagoon will have restaurants and retail, and a plaza will be home to a worship center, park and entertainment venue.
The development will not only promote health and wellness but sustainability as well. About 60% of the site is untouched and will remain in its natural state, according to the Puerto Rico Conservation Easement Law. Additionally, the developed area has acres of green space, waterways and parks.
“Wellness tourism has been estimated as a $563 billion industry in 2018,” Greenfader said. “Puerto Rico is ideally situated to capture a large part of this market due to its central location, airlift and cruise traffic, U.S. medical doctors and great infrastructure.
“There are many medical treatments that can be done in Puerto Rico for a fraction of the cost—and you get to enjoy an amazing Caribbean vacation experience,” he added.
There are, of course, some challenges. “Less than 7% of Puerto Rico’s GDP is tourism based. For a Caribbean island with great beaches, people and infrastructure, this in incredibly low. The city of Ponce, in particular, has a convention center, port and airport that are highly underutilized,” Greenfader said, highlighting the project’s necessity.
He said the first challenge is to get the Municipality of Ponce and the Fiscal Board controlled by the U.S. Congress to fully use its assets. The second challenge—which is common in any large mixed-use project—is to provide the right combination of uses.
“The last challenge is financing,” he said. “In Puerto Rico, there are $20 billion of Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Relief. We trust some of that will be allocated to critical projects such as Ponce Paradise.”
Following meetings with the municipality, major medical associations, cruise lines and community leaders—each with their own concerns—Greenfader is confident that they will be able to address each group while also honoring Ponce’s natural surroundings.
Master Plan for Wellness City and Hospital
“Our job as project sponsors is to balance the concerns of each group with the stewardship of the environment,” he said. “The project must make economic sense but also be a valuable contributor to the local region, protecting and enhancing natural assets.”
Greenfader said that as hospitality as a whole faces its own challenges, differentiators like mixed-use developments are gaining more momentum.
“Airbnb and other disruptors have proven that the market is changing and that guests are seeking new experiences. Budget allocations, the desire to be together in large groups and ease of booking a reservation are just a few reasons the hotel industry is adding more residential units,” he said.
According to Greenfader, residential space generates revenue that can assist with the financing capital stack, while also creating a rental pool of additional units for the high seasons.
Ponce Paradise plans to offer three residential options: single-family homes, smaller vacation rentals and affordable “shotgun-style” housing, all with their own facilities and security.
Its attention to health, however, is the real differentiator, with nature serving as both the basis for its design and Ponce Paradise’s mantra.
“Everyone realizes that wellness is holistic; we don’t just treat the physical but the whole mind, body and spirit,” Greenfader said. “Doctors know that a patient’s success rate is often a result of a positive mental attitude. A cold, sterile room doesn’t necessarily lend itself to great health. Great architecture, beautiful landscaping, water vistas, amazing smells, community, etc., can make the difference between success and failure in a person’s treatment.”
Wellness extends far beyond simple offerings here. “Doing yoga with goats may not prove to have ‘legs,’ but resort wellness has just begun to take off. The reasons are simple: Industrialized nations are getting older, people are living longer, and with two billion new tourists coming from India and China, there are many more potential people for this market niche,” he said. “Some experts say the wellness resort industry is expected to double within the next 20 years and become a $1-trillion industry.”
The sustainability factor is also attracting hoteliers, especially in an area that’s been struck by natural disasters.
“Developers are starting to realize that a weather-related crisis can have a devastating effect on operational risk,” he said. “If a hotel cannot withstand hurricane-force winds, floods and mold, then it will suffer huge downtimes and repairs. In fact, hotels may not ever come back online at all.”
Greenfader said that hotel buyers are now evaluating their portfolios for climate risk and realizing that initially spending 15-20% more in construction costs to make a project resilient and sustainable makes good business sense.
“Developers also realize that if they can stay open during a crisis, their occupancy will be 100% or more,” Greenfader said. “During a relief and rebuilding period, hotels host thousands of relief workers, insurance adjusters and other critical workers. It’s a win-win to be resilient and sustainable.”
This couldn’t be more clear than at the current time, when Puerto Rico is beginning to recover from a series of earthquakes, which Greenfader noted had hit the south particularly hard—especially structures built before 1990, when codes were updated to bolster construction for seismic activity.
“The earthquake reaffirms that a project like Ponce Paradise needs to build a resilient infrastructure into its master plan and be forward-looking in its design,” he said. HB
San Juan- “The Future of Tourism and Hospitality: Increasing Capacity and Competing in a New Caribbean Market”, will be the main topic to be discussed by a panel of experts on the subject, each one representing a sector in the ever-changing world of tourism and hospitality.
The chairman of the board of the PRBA, Eng. Emilio Colón- Zavala, stated that: “Through this panel, the Puerto Rico Builders Association (PRBA) will provide the space for a wide and varied discussion, which will cover the new trends in the Modern Tourism industry, as well as the importance of efficiently positioning Puerto Rico as a competitive destination in the Caribbean. Tourism with less than 7% of the islands GDP, is slated to become one of the pillars of our economic development and it is urgent to incorporate into our offer all new trends that continue to develop and evolve in the Hospitality Industry”.
The panel moderated by Adam Greenfader, Managing Partner of AG&T, will have the participation of:
Carla Campos- Executive Director, Puerto Rico Tourism Company
Pablo Maturana- Managing Director Development South America & The Caribbean, Hilton International
Rachel DeLevis- Policy Associate, AirBnB
Federico Stubbe- President, PRISA Group
Federico Sánchez- President and CEO, Grupo Interlink
Eric Berman- Chief Investment Officer, Lifeafar
This panel will be held on October 30, as part of the Forty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Puerto Rico Builders Association: “A Challenge to Build the Future”, which will take place at the Puerto Rico Convention Center on October 29 and 30.
About the PRBA
The Puerto Rico Builders Association is a private, non-profit organization. Established in 1951, its main purpose is to represent leading developers and investors of housing, commercial, office, industrial and tourism projects. The Association also represents investors, suppliers, banks professionals and companies associated with development and construction in Puerto Rico. Its main objective is to promote and lead the planned, safe and sustainable development in order to serve as the island’s economic engine, in collaboration with Puerto Rico’s public and private sector.